Find Your Destiny Number

Destiny number or your lucky number can be calculated through your Birth date as well as your Birth name. It is nothing but a number which favours in anything for you. It always lies between 1 to 9

By DOB(Date of Birth)

  1. Write your Date of Birth in AD. For example; 1998/11/23
  2. Sum up all the digits in your DOB                                                                                                     For example;   1+9+9+8+1+1+2+3 


  3. Again sum up the digits.                                                                                                                     For example;  3+4 =7
  4.  Here you got 7 is your lucky number.
By Birth Name    

  1. Write your birth name first. For example; Kmahesh
  2. Sum up all. For example; K+m+a+h+e+s+h
  3. Write corresponding place values in alphabet and sum up.                                                            For example;        11+13+1+8+8+5+19+8 = 73
  4. Now add all the digits you got. For example;  7+3 =10
  5. If you got 2 digit again then you have to sum up them againFor example; 1+0=1
  6. Congratulation you got your lucky number i.e 1
Please comment your lucky number.

