Why is 9 considered to be lucky number?

9 is considered to be a luckiest number in this world. In Hinduism also, 9 has lots of significance so it is known for powerful and lucky number. The reason of its significance are as follows

  • In the multiplication of 9, the sum of multiplied digits are always 9. 
           For example:  9 X1=9

                                  9X2 =18 =1+8 = 9


  • In Hinduism, people worship NawaDurga (Nine forms of Durga Mata)
  • There are Nawa Rasa ( 9 emotions of life) : Joy, fear, anger, love, courage, sadness, amazement, disgust and calmness
  • There are Nau Graha ( 9 planets)
  • There are Nawa Ratna ( 9 gems) : Ruby, Pearl, Coral, Emerald, Yellow sapphire, Diamond, Blue Sapphire, Hessonite, Cat's eye
  • Every women got pregnant for 9 month normally
  • There are 9 universal substances or elements such as Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Ether, Time, Space, Soul and Mind
  • The frequency of universe is 432 Hz. If we sum up its digits it will be nine
  • There were 18 days of Mahabharata war. If we sum up its digits it will be 9
  • There are 108 name of Lord Shiva. If we sum up these digits it will be 9
  • People enchant " OM " word 108 times. Again summing its digits will be 9
  • The total angle of Circle, Square, Rectangle is 360 degree and that of pentagon is 540 degree, Hexagon is 720, octagon is 1080 degree and so on..... The sum of digits are 9
  • Even 108 feet of Agarbatti is going to fire in Ayodhya at the day of inauguration of Ram temple
So number 9 is considered as a symbol of completion, perfection and spritual enlightenment

If you know any other interesting facts about 9 please don't forgot to comment.

